Natural low fat diet guidelines for a healthier lifestyle

Whether it’s the onset of spring, the start of a new year or just the thought of slashing excess weight for the summer, you might be looking for the best tips on how to start, restart or stick to a healthy low fat diet. Maybe your doctor has prescribed a specific low fat diet due to a medical condition and you need more help on how to run this diet. Here are the 10 guide-lines listed below.

​​​​​​​​10 guidelines to help you get started:

1. Be realistic
If you are looking to slash excess weight you need to remain focused, dedicated and positive minded. Otherwise, be ready for disappointments or, worse still, health problems. Make it a positive experience and begin with small but achievable goals. Shedding off a pound or two per week is a sure sign that you are on the right track. A crash diet will only balk your body and ultimately result in slowed metabolism rates. Your body will then go into preservation mode resulting in no more weight loss.

2. Clear out your pantry and refrigerator
Cookies and leftover holiday pies, full fat cheeses and dairy products should all be tossed. Whether they are Valentine, Halloween or Easter candies, cast them all out. Prepare and eat foods you have at hand.

3. Restock your pantry and refrigerator
Substitute fat-free or low fat diet products for their full-fat counterparts. Purchase grains, breads and pastas; and stock them with plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits. Limit yourself to nine servings (4 cups) of these every day.

4. Monitor serving sizes and portions.
Examine your food labels and their nutrition facts to help you understand the true meaning of a right serving size. Obviously, it’s less than you think. A food package often comes with more than one serving. Also, the nutrition analysis of these labels refers to just one portion, not the full package.

5. Always eat breakfast
Never at all skip breakfast. Here, breakfast does not mean doughnuts! Instead, a low fat diet comprises of fat free milk with whole grain cereals, yogurt and fruit for a stable blood-sugar level. A meal like this can sustain you until lunchtime.

6. Drink plenty of water
Water is an essential component for easy digestion. Also, it helps an individual to feel full before he/she can eat again. Always have a bottle of water by your side and drink frequently-you will eventually end up eating smaller portions of food. Water flushes toxins from the body plus fills the stomach which helps with weight loss.

7. Replace some of your meat dishes with vegetables
However, this should not be a reason for which you will reach for boxes of cheese or Mac. Some pasta or hearty three-bean chili with roasted vegetables might just be the best alternative.

8. Include fish in your diet at least once in a week.
Fish should be included in your list of low fat diet foods. Despite the fact that some types such as the salmon have higher levels of fat, they offer omega-3 fatty acids that are very essential for heart functions.

9. Get moving.
Watching your fat or calorie intake and completing the transition to a healthier and fat-free lifestyle are two different things. To achieve this, you need to burn extra calories by exercising regularly. Dedicate just 30 minutes of daily exercise to your schedule and set realistic goals.

10. Eat healthy snacks
Healthy snacks include whole-grain crackers, fruit, air-popped popcorn, low-fat yogurt or raw vegetables. Occasional cravings for a cookie or a square of chocolate is not a bad idea. You just need to set them aside as special treats and instead reach for a high protein low calorie snack.

These guidelines will help you stick to a natural and low fat diet for a healthier and happier lifestyle. Importantly, do not deprive yourself of anything. You just need to watch what you eat, how and when you eat. Adding a high protein meal may be the best way for you to start off your breakfast. Wishing you a great and healthy life!